Glasp is a unique social web highlighter tool that aims to solve the problem of the isolation of knowledge. With the goal of creating a collective learning experience, Glasp enables users to highlight and organize quotes and ideas from the web without switching back and forth between screens. Glasp offers a free, easy-to-use browser extension-based social web highlighter that automatically curates content to a user’s Glasp homepage. Users can tag, search for, link, and share the content on a variety of other platforms, including Twitter, Teams, and Slack. By following friends or like-minded people, users can discover insightful and thought-provoking content that deepens their knowledge and understanding. The tool was developed in June 2021, and the company is continuously striving to make the tool more efficient and effective.


Glasp is a browser extension-based social web highlighter tool that enables users to curate their personalized AI models, export with Markdown format, share and discover content with others, and take advantage of integrations with Readwise and third-party applications such as Google Drive, Evernote, Notion, and Roam Research, among others. Glasp provides a platform for collective learning and encourages knowledge sharing among users. The tool is easy to use and offers multiple features that are currently free, including the ability to set up weekly reading lists of the best articles curated by users and others in their network. Glasp is a smart social network that facilitates learning and growth among students, researchers, content creators, and lifelong learners.

Company Overview

Glasp is a unique social web highlighter tool that enables users to highlight and organize quotes and ideas from the web without switching back and forth between screens. The aim of the tool is to create a collective learning experience where users can access like-minded people's learnings at the same time and leave their digital legacy for humanity while working for themselves. The company identifies the isolation of knowledge as a significant problem as valuable insights, experiences, and knowledge that remain in personal spaces are often inaccessible to others after an individual's death. With the collective learning culture being a significant contributor to human growth and development, it would be a great loss for all if people's learnings throughout their life remain undocumented. As a solution, Glasp offers a free browser extension-based social web highlighter that allows users to quickly capture online content with colored highlighting options. The content is then automatically curated to a user's Glasp homepage, where they can be tagged, searched for, linked to, and shared on a variety of other platforms, including Twitter, Teams, and Slack. Users can check out their highlights on their Glasp page or in the original source, where they remain highlighted. By following their friends or like-minded people, users can discover insightful and thought-provoking content that deepens their knowledge and understanding. The tool is easy to use and offers tutorials for different note-taking app users. All the features are currently free, and the company has not yet decided on a monetization plan. Glasp was developed in June 2021, and the company is continuously striving to make the tool better. In conclusion, Glasp is an innovative tool that provides an effective solution to the isolation of knowledge. Its features enable users to effectively organize their online learnings and collaborate with others to create a collective learning experience that contributes to human growth and development.


Train Personalized AI Models

Curate AI Models with Your Resonations

With Glasp, you can train your personalized AI models by curating content that resonates with you. This means that the AI models created are specifically tailored to your interests and needs, making the information more relevant and useful to you.

Create Weekly Best Reads

Set up weekly reading lists of the best articles curated by yourself or others in your network. This feature allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news in your industry and helps you discover new insights, perspectives, and interesting content.

Export with Markdown Format

Seamlessly export your Glasp highlights and notes using Markdown format. This feature makes it easy to integrate your Glasp notes into your personal note-taking system or other applications you use regularly.

Share and Discover with Others

See Highlights and Notes of Like-Minded People

Follow people who share similar interests on Glasp and stay updated on what articles they are reading along with their highlights and notes. This feature helps you discover new information and perspectives, and allows you to share your highlights and notes with others.

Share Your Glasp Profile via URL

Share your Glasp profile via URL making it easy for others to discover and follow you. This feature allows you to build and expand your network of like-minded individuals, share insights and notes, and stay updated on the latest news and trends in your industry.

Create a Byproduct that Helps Others Learn

The highlights and notes generated through your learning process on Glasp creates a byproduct that helps others learn and discover new insights. This feature encourages knowledge sharing and fosters a sense of community among users.

Integrations for Enhanced Functionality

Readwise Integration

Glasp offers Readwise integration allowing you to import your highlights directly into Readwise for further organization and review. This feature helps you improve your retention and recall of information, and is particularly useful for those in the habit of consuming large amounts of information through online articles and other sources.

Integrations with Third-Party Applications

In addition to Readwise, Glasp offers integrations with a variety of third-party applications to enhance its functionality and fit seamlessly into your personal workflow. Some of these integrations include Google Drive, Evernote, Notion, and Roam Research, among others.

Smart Social Network

Glasp is a smart social network that facilitates knowledge sharing and learning among users. Whether you're a student, researcher, content creator, or simply a lifelong learner, Glasp helps you discover new information and perspectives, collaborate with others, and stay on top of the latest news and trends in your industry.

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