is an artificial intelligence-driven platform designed to simplify the research process. The platform specializes in research processing and helps researchers make sense of scientific knowledge by providing smart search, autonomous data extraction, content-based recommendation engines, reading list analyses, advanced filtering and more. With, little to no human labeling, taxonomy or training is required, making it an effective tool for researchers with specific interests who want to save time.

TLDR is a research processing platform that provides key features such as smart search, autonomous data extraction, content-based recommendation engines, reading list analyses, advanced filtering and more. The platform offers researchers specific fields of focus to work in and does not require extensive labeling or training.

Researchers can save time and achieve above-human accuracy with has received due recognition and has been named one of the most innovative companies of 2017 by Fast Company.

Company Overview is a comprehensive AI-powered platform that specializes in research processing, specifically designed to allow humans to make sense of the world's scientific knowledge and apply it. The platform provides smart search, a variety of smart filters, reading list analysis features, auto-generated summaries, and autonomous extraction and systematization of data for researchers.

One of's key benefits is its ability to save users time, offering a 75% time savings compared to traditional research methods. Moreover, the AI-powered platform achieves above-human accuracy, allowing researchers to focus on value creation rather than time-consuming research tasks.'s tools are specialized for different fields of research, making them ideal for researchers with specific interests.

Unlike other AI-powered platforms that require extensive data labeling and training,'s adaptable tools can be used with all types of content without any form of labeling or training. This means that the platform is easy to use and can be deployed quickly.'s impressive capabilities have received recognition from renowned organizations and publications. The platform was named one of the Most Innovative Companies of 2017 by Fast Company and it has been cited on the media, including TechCrunch, Wired, and RedBull, among others.

Overall, is an innovative AI-powered research processing platform that enables researchers to explore and analyze scientific knowledge accurately and efficiently.


Specialization of Workspace

No Human Labeling Required's Researcher Workspace specializes in your exact field of research without requiring any human labeling, taxonomies or training. The AI tool automatically creates a comprehensive knowledge graph containing all entities and their linkages to allow humans to learn from it, use it and also give feedback to the system. The Workspace is fully specialized around your content, allowing for a wide variety of processes, whether you work alone or collaborate with others.

Dataset Integration

Various Types of Datasets

With's Researcher Workspace, researchers can integrate a variety of datasets, including research papers, patents, internal research documentation, and much more. The Workspace allows for the addition of most types of scientific and research content, whether open access or paywalled.

You can upload any collection of research documents, or connect directly to a live proxy dataset such as a publisher, a patent authority, an internal repository, or any other relevant source. The tools in the Workspace will save an enormous amount of time when doing federated searches across a wide variety of sources.

Content-Based Recommendation Engine

Interdisciplinary Exploration's Explore search is a content-based recommendation engine that allows researchers to bypass keywords and explore interdisciplinary research challenges without the limitations of vocabulary. The tool identifies the most meaning-bearing words in user input and enriches it with contextual synonyms and hypernyms.

It then turns all this into a "fingerprint" and matches it with the fingerprint of every paper across all selected sources. This tool is beneficial to researchers facing new or unfamiliar research challenges where they are unfamiliar with the vocabulary of every field of interest.

Advanced Filtering

Detailed Specificity

For filtering tasks that require detailed specificity,'s advanced filtering extracts and identifies the exact information from the documents and allows users to filter down the list based on Named Entities, specific Data points, Data ranges, or other criteria. For example, you can narrow down a document set to a single document that reports on steel with a tensile strength between 600-650 MPa. The advanced filtering feature is incredibly helpful for researchers who need to manage large amounts of data and want to save time and effort by extracting and linking the data they need.

Automatic Data Extraction

Systematic Tabular Data Separation's Extract tool fetches and links all the key data from documents into a tabular, machine-readable, systematic format. The tool can quickly extract and systematize any key data points from text, tables into a table layout of your own design. This feature saves a considerable amount of time and effort, as it automatically extracts and links the data the researcher requires from PDFs, patents, clinical trial reports, research papers, and other relevant scientific or technical content.

A full month of data extraction work can be done in minutes and with an accuracy of up to 90 percent.

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